To ensure lawful use of Desires and a safe environment for all users, we recommend that you follow these guidelines:
Lawful employment of service providers: Service providers offering their services on Desires should be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency as self-employed or operate through a registered company that is responsible for taxes and social security contributions. Performing or hiring undeclared work is illegal and can lead to sanctions for both parties.
User’s responsibility as client: Clients should be aware that they may be required to pay social security contributions for the service provider’s services if these exceed an annual threshold amount. We recommend that you verify the legal status of the service provider and consider potential tax obligations before a project starts.
Platform’s responsibility: Desires functions only as a communication platform between clients and service providers. We take no responsibility for legal and tax-related obligations that may arise between users. Users themselves are responsible for complying with applicable laws and regulations.
Information about lawful activity: Desires promotes lawful activity and strives to create a safe platform for all users. We strongly discourage illegal activities, and the platform reserves the right to take action against users who violate this.